Director’s Daily Production Blog: Wednesday 21 October 2015

Hi, Here is the next edition of my production blog which is now a daily / an every time i do an edit post edition. This is a production log of my (creator, writer, director, producer, editor and camera / sound op: Sophie J Lees) work on the film Control Loss.

Firstly, today, I started by opening the project and composition of EDIT 4 SEQ 5 in Adobe After Effects. I had created this with the time and format and had imported the base footage of the sequence clip. I then did the base colour grade of day for night, exposure and master saturation.

Next I split the base footage at every shot cut / angle change or in one case a light change, until I had 17 clips / shot sequences (aka i will refer to this as mini seq) to work with individually. Why do this? Well for some reason m gut told me it would be easier to edit like this, also from past work and research on after effects tutorials on youtube had also given me this idea. At this stage I turned the 3D tab on for each mini seq so i could work with the lights later on.

Then I pre-composed each mini seq so that it would keep each area of edit focus clean and organised and would streamline my work flow. From research, plus my own experience with editing other EDIT 4 SEQs earlier in the edit process, I found this work flow to really work and be really time saving in the long term.

I made a clock face and key framed to a new mini seq image size so the time stuck om the clock well as motion tracking and stabilising tracking were not seeming to work that well at all and taking up way too much time. I did 2 mini seqs with ambient light and a spot light to give a moon light leaking in.

I then did a mask on a tv and created a static interference effect but due to unexpected error had to cut the rest of the edit short for today / this morning at least. I managed to correct the situation and error via closing and restarting on an auto saved older version which was quite up to date, thank god. So this meant i got to complete the effect of the flickering tv static effect. This was on mini seq 6 out of  17 mini seqs.

After all this drama and relief I edited all the mini seqs up to mini seq 10 which is a more complex sci-fi lighting effect set up plus other effects. The mini seqs I’ve done so far were just tweaking lighting and so on.

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