
Hi, I’m writer, director and Producer of Control Loss, and I am founder of SJLees Media as well as a truth seeker. The following article is on my true and only terrifying encounter with that all demonic ENTITY.

For a small (law of attraction) goal I had been attempting to have Lucid dreams and Out of Body Experiences, so I could see the truth behind them for my self. Over those past few weeks my biological clock kept waking me up from 2 am to 5 am each night. However this night would be a night I’d never forget.

It was within the twilight hours and I had been having a very restless night through waking up every hour or so. I woke up in that half sleep and half awake state and something felt wrong. I felt very heavy, like that lead blanket feeling people report. Yet I could just about move my head to look up at the curtains to see what was wrong. I stared up at them for a few seconds, a feeling of unease growing quickly, when I saw a dark shadow forming on the curtains. It looked like a humanoid monster with horns. Panic set in, though not quite with it, i knew the signs. I snapped my head round to the opposite wall where a dark humid shadow figure was forming and towering over me. I was trying to scream and panic but the paralysis was tightening its grip on me. The shadow Entity went to grab me as I struggled to fight back, kicking my duvets off me and all. Then like a bolt of revelation I realised it was just sleep paralysis and a nightmarish vision (probably due to working on this film and researching the phenomena). The whole thing stopped and I woke up to my bedroom and bed covers being just as they were when I first went to bed.

I personally think that sleep paralysis is a main reason and cause of a lot of night attacks from aliens and devils and other entity sightings, but not in all the cases. I am open minded to all sides of the argument but do definitely agree that there is more to sleep paralysis, Out of Body Experiences, dreams and mind states and Lucid dreams. I also keep to this view through my own personal experiences and advise people not to just disbelieve or wholly believe unless you experience it for yourself.

Thank you for reading and feel free to post comments and questions, I’d love to hear other experiences and views.

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